
Another famous mutilation/UFO encounter occurred in May 1973 when Judy Doraty, Cindy Dorary (Judy's daughter), Judy's mother and Judy's sister-in-law were driving back from Houston, Texas.

The women suddenly saw a strange light hovering in the sky, the women all got out to take a closer look until the object disappeared. They then returned to the car and went on their way.

Later Judy began to have very bad headaches and anxiety attacks. After several doctors had examined her she was referred to ufologist Dr. Leo Sprinkle. He hypnotised her she reported the following.

"It's like a spotlight shining down on the back of my car. And it's like it has substance to it. I can see an animal being taken up in this. I can see it squirming and trying to get free. And it's like it's being sucked up."

She then went on to mention seeing her daughter Cindy on an 'operating' table. She went on:

"They don't listen, they just ignore me....go about their work as if it's nothing. They don't seem to have any emotions. They don't seem to care. They just take some samples from her...".

Many years later Cindy was also hypnotised, and recalled events which clearly backed up those of her mothers.

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